Vigabatrin (Sabril)


Therapeutic drug monitoring measures specific drugs and/or their breakdown products (metabolites) in the blood to ensure they are within a normal range of concentration of the medication in the blood. These drugs tend to have a narrow “therapeutic index,” the ratio between the toxic and therapeutic (effective) dose of medication.

Est. Result Turnaround Time : 10 days

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Therapeutic drug monitoring measures specific drugs at timed intervals in order to maintain a relatively constant concentration of the medication in the blood. Monitored drugs tend to have a narrow “therapeutic index,” – the difference between the toxic and therapeutic doses of medications. For some drugs, maintaining this steady concentration in the blood is not as simple as giving a standard dose of medication to everyone. Each person will absorb, metabolise, utilise, and eliminate drugs at different rates based upon their age, general state of health, genetic makeup, and the influence of other medications that they are taking. These factors may change over time and vary from day to day or with various disease states.

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Est Result Turnaround Time

10 days