UK Allergy Profile


Total IgE plus: Food Mix inc. Cod, Cows Milk, Egg White, Soya Bean, Peanut, Wheat Grass Mix inc. Cocksfoot, Meadow Fescue, Meadow, Rye, Timothy Cat Dander Cladosporium Herbarum Dog Dander House Dust Mite Latex Fish: Cod

Est. Result Turnaround Time : 2 days

SKU: 49 Categories: ,

Allergies (a.k.a ‘hypersensitivities’) are overreactions of the immune system to substances that do not cause reactions in most people. Hypersensitivities are grouped into four types, I, II, III and IV. The two types of hypersensitivities are commonly associated with ’allergies’ are type I or ‘immediate’ hypersensitivities, and type IV or ‘delayed’ hypersentivities.
In type I hypersensitivity, a particular foreign substance (known as an ‘allergen’) reacts with a specific type of antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE) – this reaction causes symptoms to appear within minutes.
In type IV hypersensitivity, the allergen reacts with a specialised type of cell called a T-lymphocyte. In this case symptoms take hours to days to appear.

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Est Result Turnaround Time

2 days