1. Patients who have symptoms suggestive of coeliac disease should be tested. These symptoms may include, for example: chronic diarrhoea, abdominal pain, weight loss, anaemia and poor growth or chronic irritability in an infant or child.
2. Patients with known coeliac disease may be tested by their doctor to help assess the effectiveness and observance of a gluten-free diet.
3. Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and autoimmune thyroid disease at diagnosis.
4. First degree relatives of people with coeliac disease.
5. Patients with metabolic bone disorder (e.g., osteoporosis), reproductive health problems and unexplained neurological symptoms.
Coeliac disease profile
Endomysial IgA, Gliadin deamidated lgG, Total IgA, Tissue Transglutaminase (IgA), HLA DQ2/DQ8
Est. Result Turnaround Time : 10 days
Additional information
Est Result Turnaround Time | 10 days |