Chromium (Urine)


A heavy metal panel screens for, detect, and monitors excessive exposure to specific heavy metals. It may be requested periodically when you work with heavy metals, or when your doctor suspects that you may have been exposed. If you have a metal-on-metal hip prosthesis, depending upon the size and type of implant, you may need annual blood monitoring of metal ions (e.g. chromium and cobalt). Always consult your doctor for further advice.

Est. Result Turnaround Time : 10 days

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A heavy metals panel is a group of tests that measures the quantity of specific, potentially toxic metals in the blood, urine, or more rarely in the hair or other body tissue or fluid. A laboratory may offer several different groupings of heavy metals panels as well as tests for individual metals. The most common combination includes lead, mercury, and arsenic. The term “heavy metals” is loosely defined. It is related to the periodic table of elements and refers to a variety of elements with high density or metallic properties. Significant concentrations of any of the heavy metals can be irritating or damaging to the body.

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Est Result Turnaround Time

10 days