Allergy Profile 1 (Food & Inhalants)


Comprehensive ALLERGY TEST that measures Total IgE with individual, IgE allergens for: GRASS MIX INCLUDING Cocksfoot, Meadow Fescue, Meadow, Rye, Timothy, WEED MIX INCLUDING. Common Ragweed, Giant Ragweed, Western Ragweed, DUST MIX INCLUDING Blatella germanica, Dermatophagoides, pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides, farinae, Hollister-Stier Labs, Mould Mix, inc. A. alternata Aspergillus fumigatus Candida albicans Cladosporium herbarum Helminthosporium halodes Penicillium notatum Tree Mix, inc. Box Elder Common Silverbirch Hazel Oak London Plane Maple Sycamore

Est. Result Turnaround Time : 2 days

SKU: 96 Categories: ,

Additionally it test for the following SINGLE ALLERGENS (TOTAL 19) Beef Bermuda Grass Cat Dander Clam Common Silver Birch Cows Milk Crab Dog Dander Egg White Egg Yolk Fish (Cod) Hazel Nut Horse Dander Latex Nettle Peanut Shrimp/Prawn Soya Bean Wheat

Additional information

Est Result Turnaround Time

2 days