Alcohol Profile


This is a comprehensive alcohol screening test that checks your liver function test (LFT), blood alcohol Level, carbohydrate-deficient form of transferrin (CDT), the mean cell volume (MCV) of you red blood cells and PEth testing. Carbohydrate-deficient form of transferrin (CDT), a molecule involved in iron transport in blood. CDT is elevated in the blood of heavy drinkers but raised levels can also be found in a number of medical conditions. It is not useful as a screening test for alcohol abuse but may be useful in detecting those who have relapsed. Phosphatidylethanol testing, known as PEth testing, is a highly reliable blood test allowing the detection of chronic excessive alcohol abuse over the previous 3-4 weeks.

Est. Result Turnaround Time : 5-7 days

SKU: 89 Categories: ,

Alcohol can be measured in the blood, urine, breath, or saliva. Ethanol (also called ethyl alcohol or alcohol) is the intoxicating ingredient in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wines and spirits. While small amounts of alcohol can cause excitement, relaxation, and decreased inhibition, it can also cause poor judgment and impaired eye-hand coordination; large amounts in a relatively short period of time can cause rapid alcohol poisoning with confusion, slow breathing, coma, and even death. Consuming large quantities of alcohol over a long period of time can lead to alcoholism, permanent liver damage, cardiovascular problems, depression and anxiety.

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Est Result Turnaround Time

5-7 days